Why Bag Grain?
Grain bagging has been in practice for many years. It originated in South America, but Loftness® adapted the grain bag loading and unloading equipment for North American farmers, utilizing North American standards in design and components. The equipment is easy to use with many training resources available for beginners.
The actual grain bags are made from polyethylene and are commonly available with 10- or 12-foot diameters in lengths up to 500 feet. These specialized bags are generally three-layer UV protected with an 18-month warranty. They work great for storing corn, soybeans, sorghum, wheat, sunflower, millet, oats, rice, barley and other grains. It’s also a suitable solution for storing some types of pelleted materials such as alfalfa pellets, ground corn or urea. The grain bags create a sealed environment, so grain quality is maintained until it is removed.
Today, North American farmers can bag grain with confidence, knowing that the products are supported by local dealerships, backed by factory-trained technicians and local sales representatives. And there are many reasons why farmers choose to bag grain. For example, it can:
- Speed up harvest by allowing the combines to keep moving, rather than waiting on trucks, the grain dryer, etc.
- Reduce the amount of labor required at harvest
- Be used to store wet grain before drying
- Be used to segregate grain by variety, moisture content, protein, etc.
- Expand the capacity of existing grain bins
- Save money versus other storage methods
- Allow producers to control their own marketing strategies
- Offer storage solutions on rented ground
Improved Harvest Logistics
Oftentimes, combines have to slow down at harvest time because they’re waiting on trucks or the grain dryer…or simply because of a lack of labor. However, farmers can save time by bagging grain directly in the field. This allows the combines to keep moving, and the grain can later be taken to grain bins, the grain dryer or the elevator as time allows or as trucking rates improve.
In a bumper crop year, grain bags are an excellent storage option when existing bins and local elevators fill up. Bags offer potentially unlimited storage potential.
Marketing Flexibility
Bagging a crop at harvest allows producers to market that grain later as prices improve. Grains can be be segregated by moisture content, protein and other factors to maximize premiums from the buyer. Grain bags are also an ideal option for storing organic commodities or niche crops separately.
Money Savings
Grain bagging costs a fraction of the amount to put up a new grain bin. Even more, grain bagging equipment can be depreciated faster than grain bins, and there are no property taxes on the grain bagging equipment or grain bags.
There are even more benefits to grain bagging. Click here to read 13 reasons to bag your grain this year.